It’s hard to believe that it’s time for the holidays again. During this time of year, we are constantly going to family gatherings, parties, and getting together with those we don’t see nearly as often.
Sometimes, this distance breaks our hearts as we wish we could be together more often. Other times, well, let’s just say that this distance is a good thing. Yes, they are family and that is one of the strongest bonds we can have in life. However, there is no denying that family isn’t always the easiest to deal with. Especially when we just want to keep that distance.
When you have no choice but to deal with frustrating family members, you may wonder how you can get through another holiday season unscathed. Keeping your sanity is definitely possible, here are three easy ways to deal with frustrating family members.
1. Remember, You Can’t Control Them
We all have that family member who doesn’t really think about what they are saying. Or how they are acting. Or, maybe they do, and they just don’t care.
When we encounter these types of people, we are left scratching our heads asking ourselves, “Why! Why did you just say that?!” In some cases, it might be appropriate to speak up and say something. But in the cases where it isn’t, is there anything you can do?
Reminding yourself that you can’t control their actions or words, only your reaction to them is a great first start. As much as we want to, some people just can’t be reasoned with. When you learn to accept that instead of fighting it, your stress levels will come way down.
2. You Don’t Have To Respond To Them

You know that phrase that goes along the lines of, “For every action, there is a reaction?”
In the case of family members who are frustrating flip this on it’s head. “For every action, there doesn’t have to be a reaction.” That goes along the lines of what we are saying in #1 above. Even when they say something hurtful or rude, you don’t have to give them the satisfaction of a response. Especially if your first reaction would be fire back at them.
Instead, think about what you want to say. Is it going to help the conversation? Will they benefit or see the errors of there way after you said it? If there’s any doubt about that, it might be better to leave something unsaid. Even though they might not be able to, that doesn’t mean you have to stoop to their level.
3. The Holiday Season Doesn’t Last Forever
For every person who wishes the season never ended, there’s always one person who does! At times, it can help you get through a challenging time or deal with someone who is frustrating by remembering that. Even though, at the time, you may think your time around them will never be over with.
As annoying or challenging as they are to deal with, remind yourself that you don’t always have to be around them. Whether that’s your in-laws, a nosey aunt, or a loud uncle who won’t keep his opinions to himself.
If nothing else, try to focus on the other people there who are with you. There is probably a good chance that they are also equally annoyed by this person, as well.
To help you prepare for the number of family gatherings and social interactions coming up, don’t be afraid to reach out to us for support. We can help you learn skills to more effectively deal with challenging family members through anxiety treatment.