Do you have visual flashbacks or nightmares about a traumatic event you experienced? Have these memories impacted your behavior so much that you don’t always feel in control of your emotions or reactions? Are you looking for a way to resolve your trauma so you can finally put these memories to rest and move on with your life? Experiencing a traumatic event can leave a lasting impact on you. You might have stopped feeling like yourself ever since you suffered the trauma, or perhaps you’ve carried the memory with you for so long that you don’t remember how you felt without it.
The after-effects of trauma may lead you to feel unsafe whenever circumstances—such as particular people, places, smells or sounds that you perceive as dangerous—put you on high alert. This reaction might cause your heart to race, arms to tingle, muscles to tighten, or breath to quicken. Even though these sensations may frighten you, you can’t always stop them.
Additionally, if your trauma stems from an abusive relationship, perhaps you find it difficult to connect with others because you feel unlovable. You may shut down emotionally and resist sharing your feelings out of fear of rejection. Because you’re afraid that any conflict could lead to you getting hurt, perhaps you avoid bringing up things that bother you. In the end, hiding your grievances probably makes you feel angry or resentful. Even though you are probably aware of your emotional distance from others, opening yourself up to give and receive love may seem impossible. Your reluctance to share your feelings may keep you from being present in relationships and interfere with your ability to connect sexual intimacy with love.
The good news is that treatment for trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can help you overcome the symptoms and behaviors you’re experiencing. There are effective ways to reframe distressing memories so that they no longer control your life.

In our ongoing sessions, I will help you re-process traumatic memories so that they are no longer intrusive. I will also provide education about the brain so that you understand why you are experiencing your symptoms. You will learn how to change your perceptions, behaviors, and emotions through self-regulation of your physical reactions.
Additionally, I will teach you how memories are stored and how they can negatively impact you when the brain stores them incorrectly. Gaining insight into the neurological process will give you the self-awareness you need to address the traumatic memories so that they no longer cause you physical or psychological distress. After all, you can’t out-think trauma, but you can learn to minimize its effects by learning to control your emotional and physical reactions.
The modalities I use to treat trauma-related disorders are Narrative Exposure Trauma (NET) and trauma-informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). NET helps reprocess incorrectly stored memories in order to prevent them from intruding into your day-to-day thoughts.
Trauma-informed CBT addresses negative thought patterns and teaches you how to get past the ones that cause distressful emotions. From time to time, I may even incorporate mindfulness and relaxation exercises to teach you self-regulation skills and help you control your physiological symptoms.
With my help and support, you can live a life free of intrusive thoughts and memories, learn to love yourself and accept love from others, and be more in control of emotions and behaviors.

Dissociative amnesia is a common symptom of PTSD. Research has shown that you don’t have to remember the trauma to heal from it.
And even if the event happened long ago and your memories are hazy, you are still dealing with the physical, emotional, and relational pain of your trauma now.
Therapy is a chance to process what happened despite how long ago it was or how little you remember.
Trauma therapy is an investment in yourself. Until you address your past memories and your body’s responses to them, it’s hard to live up to your full potential. Your mental health is worth it because it affects all other aspects of your life. And therapy can be conveniently scheduled in-person, by phone, or virtually.
Acknowledging your trauma may feel scary. You might be afraid that it’s going to hurt because you’re unwrapping memories that have been shoved down and avoided. Nonetheless, doing so is the first step to healing. Once you externalize your trauma by sharing it with a therapist, you’re giving yourself a chance feel better and be on the path of recovery.

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