Do you feel emotionally disconnected from your significant other? Are you feeling increasingly distant despite efforts to close the rift? Has your intimacy and sexual connection suffered because of the trouble in your relationship? Do you feel unloved? Maybe you feel that if only you could communicate better, that you could work on your challenges more effectively. Or are you feeling like the problems have been there for so long that there is no coming back, and that maybe it would be better to start over with someone else?

I hear you. These are difficult things to admit we are experiencing in our relationships, and even harder to manage emotionally. I’m here to tell you that not all is lost.
All couples experience a period of emotional disconnect at some point, which leads to less satisfying sexual intimacy and a decrease in effective communication and relating. This often leads couples to feel more like roommates than lovers. This happens for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, complacency sets in and we forget that relationships take continuous maintenance and intentionality to keep it on the right track.
Life happens so quickly these days that we often miss the signals our partners throw at us, asking for comfort and closeness. Or sometimes, past hurts affect our ability to build safe and secure attachments with others.

You are not alone! Iunderstand that emotional pain stemming from relationship difficulties can be tremendous. I am here to help. I use the Gottman Method for couples therapy to assess for areas of strength and weakness in your relationship.
From there, I teach you how to reconnect, build common relationship goals, increase affection and intimacy, and remove barriers to emotional connection. I also use Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) to dig down deep and discover the attachment needs that are impacting your ability to connect emotionally.
I teach you how to tune in to those attachment needs as a couple, provide greater understanding of your negative behavioral patterns and how to navigate your way out of them.

Never! You wouldn’t be here looking for hope andfor answers if you didn’t believethatit could happen.It’s only too late when you give up. When two partners are committed to saving the relationship, change is always possible.
Of course! We can still process your individual behaviors and attachment needs, and give you the tools to be a more effective partner.
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